little 1 s daycare

Jeddah - KSA - Al Rawdah Dist. Al Safar Jalani Street - Jeddah - KSA

966 (012) 665-2022

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ارسال الاستفسار

Just as your home is your child's first school, Little 1s Day Care is your child's second home, devoted always to provide a safe, loving, and cultivating world throughout the day, every weekday, for the duration of your child's early years of life.

We believe

Little ones require guidance and sympathy far more than instruction; we guide them down the path that their feet should take.

Little ones have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.

Every move our special Little 1s make, every sound they produce, should be met with a warm response: A word, a smile, or a touch that makes it clear: "YOU ARE SPECIAL!"

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