L'Etoile du nord

Located near the Agricultural Center of the North in Mejdlaya - Zgharta - Lebanon


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The premises cover about 300 square meters and are divided as following: four large classrooms, two administrative offices, two large indoor and outdoor playgrounds, a dining hall, a medical dispensary and common space.
Since the 2005/2006 school-term the nursery is functioning with its full capacity. In the 2012/2013 school-term, a total of 65 children for child nursery and 1st and 2nd kintergarden years were divided in the 5 classrooms.

Working hours :ساعات العمل : 8:00 AM - 1:30 PM

Space :المساحة : 300 m2

Language :اللغة : Arabic,English,French

nursery Facilities

خدمات الحضانة

  • Outdoor Playground
  • Activity Room
  • Babies Sleeping Room
  • Babies Activity Room
  • Toilets
  • Kitchen

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