Play Care

John Kennedy Street Ra'S Bayrut - Beirut - Lebanon

70 111 394

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PLAYCARE is a daycare that caters to the growing group of parents who are young, busy, conscious and usually affluent. This multi-purpose center is built to mold the kids by providing early education in a safe, secured, healthy, playful and eco-friendly setting.

The concept of PLAYCARE was created by combining two methodical approaches to child development, the Reggio Emilia education approach and the dimension of wellness which includes the physical, emotional, intellectual, environmental and social applied on an open platform where classes are door less.

The 850sqm securitized platform cherishes the natural character building process, imitating the real world learning. Based on our Reggio Emilia approach, the Administration of PLAYCARE and the parents enrollment community supports the extension of the kids residency at PLAYCARE starting from 7:am closing 5:pm to serve the labor conditions of its relative entourage.

Making learning visible, PLAYCARE entitles the parents to be engaged in every aspect of their kids daily routine. PLAYCARE, a safe and welcoming environment, supports the decision to transform the daycare into an open space where parents can visit, interfere, and stay with their kids.

Working days :أيام العمل : Mon- Fri

Working hours :ساعات العمل : 9:00 AM – 5:00PM

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