Totally kids

Verdun (behind Goodies) - Tabet st. - Fayad Bldg. - 1st Fl. - Beirut - Lebanon

01 790318

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Avg price:
متوسط السعر:
400-500 LB
ارسال الاستفسار

Totally Kids is a nursery and children's center where children can explore, discover, learn and develop. We provide our children with a warm family atmosphere, emphasizing parental involvement and ongoing communication between home and school. Our developmentally appropriate curriculum is based on the IB (International Baccalaureate) PYP (Primary Years Programme), a curriculum framework that focuses on the child as an inquirer both inside the classroom and the outside world...encouraging children to become independent and to take responsibility for their own learning.

Our toddler program helps 1-2 year old children learn about their expanding world. Through hands-on activities, exploration and social interactions, toddlers enjoy learning experiences that promote social, intellectual and emotional growth, fostering self-confidence and independence.

Our preschool program helps 2-4 year old children acquire the basic academic and social skills that prepare them for school. Our program relies heavily on investigation, exploration and inquiry. Through carefully structured learning experiences, children expand their skills by being active participants in their own learning.

Working days :أيام العمل : Mon-Fri

Working hours :ساعات العمل : 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Space :المساحة : 360 s.m.

Activities :الأنشطة : Daycare - Preschool program - After school care-Homework Help - Reading Support-Tutoring- Summer cam

Ages :الأعمار : 10 months - 4 years

Language :اللغة : Arabic,English,French

nursery Facilities

خدمات الحضانة

  • ملعب في الهواء الطلق
  • غرفة الأنشطة
  • غرفة نوم الأطفال
  • غرفة نشاط الأطفال
  • الحمامات
  • مطبخ

Latest News

اخر الاخبار

Winter Camp

Winter Camp for 3-6 year old children! Feb 28 - Feb 22 8:00 - 3:00 Daily Drop in is also available Arts and Crafts, Music and Movement, Cooking Activities, Homework Help and more Places are limited... Call 03 738 976 for more info

6 years ago

They are good teachers

By Suha , 7 years ago
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