Little Village Center
Manama - Bahrain - Road 3322, Block 333, Umm Al-Hassam - Adliya - Bahrain

It takes a village to raise a child! Here at little village we work together to provide your child with the support he needs to become and independent communicator.
Early Intervention Program: Designed to provide children under 4 years with the a stimulating learning environment to enhance their communication skills. Our team of Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Physio Therapists will support your child's development and provide individualised education plans.
ABA program: Designed for children ages 4 - 14 who present with communication difficulties and is supervised by a qualified BCBA. Once your child is formally assessed an Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be put in place. Our students not only receive individual therapy sessions but also get the opportunity to be in small group setting to help generalise their skills and develop their social interaction.
Workshops: Little Village specializes in providing workshops and training for parents & teachers in various fields relating to early childhood education and language communication development. We aim to empower parents and teachers and help them gain the skills they need to support their children’s development
Working days :أيام العمل : Sunday - Thursday
Working hours :ساعات العمل : 7:30am - 3:00pm
Activities :الأنشطة : Early Intervention, ABA Program, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Summer Camp, Winter Camp
Ages :الأعمار : 18months - 15 years
Language :اللغة : Arabic,English
Join us for an exciting winter camp this December where we will get to Discover, Create and Make !
December 15 - January 2 from 8:30am - 12:30pm
Activities will include:
- Cooking
- Building
- Musical Creations
- Art Classes
- Yoga
- Science Experiments
- & FUN Field Trips!
Morning Care and Afternoon care is available if you need it.
Sign up for all 3 week for BD110 or BD9 per day.
nursery Facilities
خدمات الحضانة
- Outdoor Playground
- Activity Room
- Changing area and Milk kitchen
- Babies Activity Room
- Toilets
- Kitchen
Latest News
اخر الاخبار

LVC Winter Camp 2019
Join us for an exciting winter camp this December where we will get to Discover, Create and Make ! December 15 - January 2 from 8:30am - 12:30pm Activities will include: Cooking Building Musical Creations Art Classes Yoga Science Experiments & FUN Field Trips! Click here to sign up! Morning Care and Afternoon care is available if you need it. Sign up for all 3 week for BD110 or BD9 per day.
Send Inquiry to nursery
ارسال الاستفسار إلى الحضانة
Fill in your details and a Venue Specialist will get back to you shortly.
املأ تفاصيلك وسيتواصل معك أحد المتخصصين قريبًا.