Aintoura Nursery
Zouk Mosbeh- Aintoura main st. facing Aintoura school - Sfeir & Mouawad Bldg. 2 floors - Jeita - Kesserwan Jounieh - Lebanon
09 231250

Découvrir le monde … en douceurA toi- petit voyageur- nous te proposons ce qui t’intéresserait et te rendrait actif- interactif- parce que c’est ainsi que tu apprendras et grandiras.
Working days :أيام العمل : Mon- Fri
Working hours :ساعات العمل : 7:00 AM – 5:30PM
Space :المساحة : I.S 780 s.m. Balcony 350 s.m.
Activities :الأنشطة : Preschool Program- N-KG1- Outdoor & Field trips- summer camp- swimming pool- Transportation.
Ages :الأعمار : 2 months – 4 years
Language :اللغة : French
nursery Facilities
خدمات الحضانة
- Outdoor Playground
- Activity Room
- Babies Activity Room
- Toilets
- Kitchen
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