• QWhat is nurseriesworld website?

    ما هو موقع nurseriesworld؟

    It is a nurseries guide to help parent find and locate the best and nearest nurseries to their house and help them to choose the most suitable nursery to their children at the same time our website work as an advertising platform for nurseries that register in our website and it is free!! for both parents and nurseries.

  • QAs parents What are the benefits of registering into nurseriesworld website?

    بصفتك أحد الوالدين ، ما هي فوائد التسجيل في موقع nurseriesworld؟

    As a parent u will get the ability to

    • Rate nurseries based on your personal experience with them

    • Submit reviews to let other parents benefit from your experience.

    • Add Some nurseries to the favorites list and follow all their updates.

  • QAs a parent how can i see others reviews and submit my own review and rating?

    بصفتي أحد الوالدين ، كيف يمكنني الاطلاع على تعليقات الآخرين وتقديم تقييمي الخاصة؟

    you must register to nurseriesworld and then login to your account from login page “parent login” Using the info you entered after that go to a nursery of your choice and click on the review tab then write a review.

  • QHow can i register to nurseriesworld?

    كيف يمكنني التسجيل في nurseriesworld؟

    1. If you are a parent go to the parents page in the upright corner and submit the required info then follow the instructions given to you.



    1. If you are a nursery go to “are you a nursery” page beside the parents page and submit the required info on your nursery then follow the instruction.


  • QAs nursery What are the benefits of registering into nurseriesworld website?

    كحضانة ما هي فوائد التسجيل في موقع nurseriesworld؟

    As a nursery there is a lot of benefits from registering to our website some of them are:

    • Specialized private page to show the feature of your nursery.

    • The Ability to add:

      • Your nursery’s logo, photos and videos.

      • Nursery website and facebook page and other social media pages.

      • Nursery Geolocation and contact info to make it easier to find.

      • News and jobs position.

      • Replies to parents reviews.

      • Different branches to your nursery.

  • QHow can i add my nursery?

    كيف يمكنني إضافة الحضانة الخاصة بي؟

    After you register to nurseriesworld go to the login page and chose nursery login then enter your username and password and you will be redirected to a page where you can add your nursery’s info like name, photo, address, geolocation and lot more.

  • QI have forgotten my password. What should I do?

    لقد نسيت كلمة السر. ماذا يجب أن أفعل؟

    Go to login page then click on “forgot password?” then submit your account email and follow the steps.

  • QCan I change my password or email address?

    هل يمكنني تغيير كلمة المرور أو عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بي؟

    Yes you can do this from the nursery profile section.